Read to Swim in Savings?
You're about to uncover the secret to lower electric bills, hot summer
days and cooler evenings with your pool.
We know it can feel like there's no end in sight to the electric bills
you're paying because of your pool. The good news is that with solar,
there is an end in sight!
Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity and storing it
in batteries for later use. When you have solar panels installed on your
home, they can be used to offset the amount of electricity that is being
used by your pool’s heating element or pump, or even offset other
appliances being used in the home. This means that you will be able
to save money on your energy bills while still enjoying all of the
features of your pool!
We'll tell you how much you can save on your electric bill by switching
over to solar power—and we'll even help you find the right panels for
your home.
You know how long it takes to get through an afternoon at the pool?
Not as long as it takes to get through a day of high electric bills! With
our help, you can enjoy your pool more often without worrying about
the electric bill.
It's not just about lowering your energy costs—it's about enjoying the
benefits of solar and your pool year-round.
Solar power is a great way to save money and enjoy your pool more.
You'll never have to worry about the electric bill again! Plus, you'll get
credit back from the grid on days you generate more power than used.
It's all possible with no money down, government tax benefits, and a
FREE eBook that will tell you everything you need to know about
going solar.
So grab your FREE copy of “Solar Powered Energy Theft” & your FREE Solar Saving Analysis right away.
Feel free to read it poolside!